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发布时间:2019年03月27日 10:09   作者:   点击:[]



李爱军,1980年生,山东大学教授、博士生导师,2018入选山东省泰山学者青年专家2019年破格晋升教授,同年入选山东大学杰出中青年学者,并入选中央宣传部宣传思想文化青年英才国家公派美国匹兹堡大学访问学者(2019-2020)。研究领域广泛,涉及环境经济学、能源经济学、气候变化经济学、运筹学、管理科学、计量经济学、公共经济学、行为经济学等诸多领域。已经在European Journal of Operational ResearchSCIABS 4星期刊)、Energy EconomicsSSCI)等国际英文权威期刊发表论文20余篇。其中,ABS 4星期刊1篇,Top Journal(学科前5%)发表论文近20篇。科研成果先后入选ESI热点论文(1次)、ESI高被引论文(2次),获得ELSEVIER最高引用论文奖(国际学术组织奖励)(1次)、山东省社会科学学科新秀奖、山东省社会科学优秀成果奖二等奖(4次)、福建省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖(1次)。


  1. Sueyoshi, T., Li, A., Liu, X., 2019. Exploring Sources of China’s CO2 Emission: Decomposition Analysis under Different Technology Changes. European Journal of Operational Research. 279, 984-995. (SCIIF3.428, ABS 4星期刊,corresponding author)

  2. Li, A., Zhang, A., Huang, H., Yao, X., 2018. Measuring unified efficiency of fossil fuel power plants across provinces in China: An analysis based on non-radial directional distance functions. Energy. 152, 549-561. (SCIIF4.968)

  3. Sun, C., Liu, X., Li, A., 2018. Measuring Unified Efficiency of Chinese Fossil Fuel Power Plants: Intermediate Approach Combined with Group Heterogeneity and Window Analysis. Energy Policy. 123, 8-18. SSCI&SCIIF4.039corresponding author

  4. Sueyoshi, T., Li, A., Gao, Y., 2018. Sector Sustainability on Fossil Fuel Power Plants across Chinese Provinces: Methodological Comparison among Radial, Non-radial and Intermediate Approaches under Group Heterogeneity. Journal of Cleaner Production. 187, 819-829. (SCIIF5.651corresponding author)

  5. Li, J., Li, A., Xie, X., 2018. Rebound effect of transportation considering additional capital costs and input-output relationships: The role of subsistence consumption and unmet demand. Energy Economics. 74, 441-455. SSCIIF3.910

  6. Zhang, A. Li, A. Gao, Y., 2018. Social Sustainability Assessment across Provinces in China: An Analysis of Combining Intermediate Approach with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Window Analysis. SustainabilitySwitzerland, 10(3), 732. (SSCI&SCI, IF: 2.177, corresponding author)

  7. Li, A., Zhang, A., Zhou, Y., Yao, X., 2017. Decomposition analysis of factors affecting carbon dioxide emissions across provinces in China. Journal of Cleaner Production. 141, 1428-1444. (SCIIF5.651)

  8. Li, A., Peng, D., Wang, D., Yao, X., 2017. Comparing regional effects of climate policies promoting non-fossil fuels in China. Energy. 141, 1998-2012. (SCI, IF: 4.968)

  9. Sueyoshi, T., Yuan, Y., Li, A., Wang, D., 2017. Social Sustainability of Provinces in China: A Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) Window Analysis under the Concepts of Natural and Managerial Disposability. Sustainability. 9, 2078; doi:10.3390/su9112078. (SSCI &SCI, IF: 2.177, corresponding author)

  10. Sueyoshi, T., Yuan, Y., Li, A., Wang, D., 2017. Methodological Comparison among Radial, Non-radial and Intermediate Approaches for DEA Environmental Assessment. Energy Economics. 67, 439-453. SSCIIF3.910

  11. Zhang, Z., Zhang, A., Wang, D., Li, A., Song, H., 2017. How to improve the performance of carbon tax in China? Journal of Cleaner Production. 142, 2060-2072. (SCIIF5.651, corresponding author)

  12. Yao, X., Zhou, H., Zhang, A., Li, A., 2015. Regional energy efficiency, carbon emission performance and technology gaps in China: A meta-frontier non-radial directional distance function analysis. Energy Policy. 84, 142-154. SSCI&SCIIF4.039, corresponding author

  13. Li, A., Zhang, Z., Zhang, A., 2015. Why are there large differences in performances when the same carbon emission reductions are achieved in different countries? Journal of Cleaner Production. 103, 309-318. (SCIIF5.651)

  14. Li, A., Du, N., Wei, Q., 2014. The cross-country implications of alternative climate policies. Energy Policy. 72, 155-163. SSCI&SCIIF4.039

  15. Sun, C., Ouyang, X., Cai, H., Luo, Z., Li, A., 2014. Household pathway selection of energy consumption during urbanization process in China. Energy Conversion and Management. 84, 295-304. (SCIIF6.377corresponding author)

  16. Li, A., Zhang, A., Cai, H., Li, X., Peng, S., 2013. How large are the impacts of carbon-motivated border tax adjustments on China and how to mitigate them? Energy Policy. 63, 927-934. SSCI&SCIIF4.039

  17. Li, A., Lin, B., 2013. Comparing climate policies to reduce carbon emissions in China. Energy Policy. 60, 667-674. SSCI&SCIIF4.039

  18. Li, A., Zhang, A., 2012. Will carbon motivated border tax adjustments function as a threat? Energy Policy. 47, 81-90. SSCI&SCIIF4.039

  19. Lin, B., Li, A., 2012. Impacts of removing fossil fuel subsidies on China: How large and how to mitigate? Energy. 44, 741-749. SCIIF4.968

  20. Lin, B., Li, A., 2011. Impacts of carbon motivated border tax adjustments on competitiveness across regions in China. Energy. 36, 5111-5118. SCIIF4.968


  1. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:ZR201807060746,在研)。

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目编号:71873078,在研)。

  3. 山东大学青年学者未来计划(项目编号:2016WLJH02,在研)。

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目编号:71403147,已结题)。

  5. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年项目(项目编号:13YJC790065,已结题)。

  6. 山东省社会科学规划研究青年项目(项目编号:12DJJJ12,已结题)。

  7. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等资助,项目编号:2013M530309,已结题)。

  8. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(特别资助,项目编号:2014T70625,已结题)。

  9. 山东省博士后科学基金面上项目(项目编号:201302040,已结题)。
















    a. 学科背景不限,恪守学术道德,对本人的研究方向感兴趣,有学术理想。

    b. 勤奋,身心健康,富有钻研和创新精神。

    c. 对于硕士研究生,招生条件满足前两条;对于已经招收的硕士研究生,统一组织学习相关数学、计算机编程、英语读写及其他科研相关知识。



    a. 学科背景不限,恪守学术道德,对本人的研究方向感兴趣,有学术理想。

    b. 勤奋,身心健康,富有钻研和创新精神。

    c. 数学(或计量)基础优秀、计算机编程能力强或科研能力突出的优先考虑。

    d. 对于博士研究生,招生条件满足前三条,择优录取;对于已经招收的博士研究生,统一组织学习并讲授相关数学、计算机编程、英语读写及其他科研相关知识。

    e. 博士研究生均参与科研工作,成为科研团队的主要成员,培养独立科研能力。开展国际合作,在国际权威期刊、顶级期刊发表论文。




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