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Hou, Linke
Update:Aug 8, 2012   Author:   Click:[]

Assistant professor Linke Hou is a senior researcher in the Economic Research Center, Shandong University. He got his Ph.D in economics from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in June, 2012. He has got a master-equivalence degree in statistics from Mathematics School, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2009. His research interests cover development economics and green economics.. He has published over 10 academic papers, 3 of which is published in SCI journal. Also he has finished around 10 working paper. He has presided or actively participated in several international and national projects. For example, he has finished the projectDeterminants of farmers’ strategies for managing manure from livestock in China: Multinomial choice analysis,sponsored by International development Research Center (IDRC).


1. Linke Hou, Yanjie Zhang, Jinyan Zhan, Thomas Glauben, Marginal revenue of land and total factor productivity in Chinese agriculture: evidence from spatial analysis,Journal of Geographic Sciences, Vol.(22), No.1, 2012. (SCI)

2. Linke Hou,Jikun Huang, Xiaobing Wang, Ruifa Hu and Chunling Xue, Farmers’ Knowledge on Genetically Modified Technology and Pesticide Use: Evidence from Papaya Producers in China,Journal of Integrative Agriculture(SCI), Accepted.

3. Xiaowu Li, Chunlai Mu, Jinwen Ma,Linke Hou. Fifth-order iterative method for finding multiple roots of nonlinear equations,Numerical Algorithms. Vol.(3), No.1, 2010. (SCI)

4. Linke Hou, Mingxing Liu, Ran Tao, Empirical Research on Functions of Grass-root Government in China,Comparative Economic and Social Systems, Vol.(3), 2009 (In Chinese).

5. Linke Hou, Research on Social Stratification in Rural China,China Rural Survey,Vol.(1), 2010 (In Chinese).


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